In mid-March when the full force of the pandemic first hit, many commonplace goods became inaccessible and people had to learn to adapt in order to fulfill their cravings. Baking bread is an activity almost as old as our species, so it was no surprise that we all donned our collective "chef" hats and got to work!

The most popular recipe that seemed to have the greatest impact was the holy grail of bread – Sourdough. Feeding ‘sourdough starters’ became commonplace, experimenting with fermentation and yeast in order to create something delicious.

Credit: iamfoodblog
Just in time before the holidays, we all paid witness to one of the greatest ‘sweet tooth’ trends of the year – hot chocolate bombs! These beautiful pieces of art not only look delectable but also create everyone’s favourite warm and soothing drink.
These mesmerizing chocolate balls are fun to use, watching them dissolve and spring forth marshmallows was definitely one of the highlights of the year.

Credit: dietdoctor.com
This foamy caffeinated beverage was just what everyone needed in a year of uncertainty. Originating in South Korea, this unique drink brought a touch of luxury to our lives when our usual routines, and favourite coffee shops, were temporarily out of commission.
A true test of strength due to the sheer amount of endurance needed to whisk this delicious concoction – this trend was both satisfying to complete, and the end result beautiful and tasty.

This special seasoning slowly began to make its way into conversation this past year, blowing people's mind with its diversity and unique flavour. Brought to us by Trader Joe's, this Bagel Sesame Seasoning became hard to find in certain places, making it a sought-after treasure.
From use in everyday dishes to diet-friendly alternative snacks, this seasoning brought spice to our lives in a time we needed it.
Like many of the mentions on this list, Tik Tok has brought viral trends to a whole other level. Pancake Cereal is a perfect example of this, originating on the app showing the tedious produce of producing this unique breakfast snack.
Creating a large amount of super tiny pancakes by hand, one would place all of them in a bowl and then top them with whatever other ingredients you prefer. From maple syrup to strawberries, and some more unique mixes, this trend definitely brings out a childlike joy (or sweet tooth) in us.
Creating a large amount of super tiny pancakes by hand, one would place all of them in a bowl and then top them with whatever other ingredients you prefer. From maple syrup to strawberries, and some more unique mixes, this trend definitely brings out a childlike joy (or sweet tooth) in us.